Maltodextrin ( MD )

       Maltodextrin is a starch derivative without free starch, which is made from starch or starch, which is low-level hydrolyzed by enzymatic method, refined, and spray-dried.

Main features 

       Low-degree hydrolyzate of starch, the type of maltodextrin developed by our company is 1 6 < DE value < 20, with low sweetness, good solubility, easy digestion, good filling effect, good emulsification and thickening properties such as thickening effect.

DE value : 16<DE value<20 

CAS NO.:9050-36-6


Indications and Usage:

       Maltodextrin has the functions of thickening , gelling , reducing product sweetness , changing the freezing point of the system , inhibiting the growth of ice crystals , replacing fat , reducing heat energy , improving texture and being used as a spray or drying carrier . It has a wide range of applications in the fields of food and beverage, medicine and health care, daily chemical products, and feed additives.

Storage:sealed,protected from light ,clean and  stored in a cool and dry place. 
